
Researchers and Their Stories

I had the hardest semester of my life but I got something great out of it. I started a new job this fall – one of my top-choice careers, at one of my top-choice…
  • Guest Author
  • May 3, 2019
My postdoc PI was extremely disappointed and he told me, "You know that if you leave academia, there's no coming back." After 3 years, I think he was totally correct,…
When I first left academia to sell analytical equipment to universities, everything was new and different. It took a while to get used to having extra time on my hands,…
I became pregnant with my son a year and a half into my PhD program on purpose. I say on purpose because one of the more shocking things that happened to me during my…
In February, days before my wedding, I started experiencing severe pain. Within a week, I had seen 3 doctors, gone to the emergency room, and was diagnosed with an…
How does one know if they have work-life balance? Is there a formula, an ideal? Has anyone calculated the optimal percent of time and energy that should be spent and…
I’m a professional, an expert who has earned a credential, namely a PhD, that reinforces these facts. You may ask why I need these facts reinforced. It is not because I…
I think it’s important to share that doing a PhD isn’t all positive and productive. Sometimes you feel terrible and you just have to accept it and try to change things…
Many things happened at once when our program began a year ago. Our orientation week was cut short and we missed the first week of classes due to Hurricane Harvey. After…
I am depressed. This may seem strange, given that I have just submitted my thesis and I am on holiday at last and free to watch hours of Downton Abbey while eating mince…