
Conducting Research

I asked some publication experts: What do researchers need? What is that missing piece that researchers need to become successful? And I received some really interesting…
There seem to be some unlikely similarities between celebrated chefs and successful researchers. But is there a recipe for success? Now there is. Take a look at this…
Reading relevant and recent literature is as integral a part of a researcher’s life as is conducting research. This free downloadable handbook offers tips on how you can…
Along with motivation, successful and self-reliant researchers possess some skills that help them stay ahead of the curve. I’ve handpicked five that I personally think…
The refrain of “peer review is broken” or “science is broken” is reaching a crescendo. Researchers often ask, “If papers with flaws pass peer review, why am I struggling…
English is not the first language for most of the world’s researchers, who are vying to get their work published in top peer-reviewed journals. In fact, even native…
When it comes to scholarly publishing, the reasons for rejection are often within your control and easily avoidable. Check out the most common mistakes that lead to…
Even novel, high-impact research can face problems at the journal submission stage if they don’t meet ethical guidelines or lack the required declarations. Take a look…
Did you know, 50% of published articles are only read by the author, journal editor and reviewer, while 90% are never cited? Regardless of its importance, published…
You’ve worked hard and think you’re on a winning path when you submit your manuscript to a top academic journal, only to be derailed by a peer review. Here's how authors…