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Conflicting reviewer comments can be confusing, especially when there is no clear guidance from the editor about which comments to address. This article reports a case…
This post offers a few tips on how to make Google searches more effective.
The 2015 Abel Prize was awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters to two prominent mathematicians: John Nash and Louis Nirenberg. The Abel Prize,…
Mathematicians John Nash and Louis Nirenberg win the 2015 Abel Prize
P-values are widely used as the basis of testing null hypothesis, but many experts have been critical of the use of p-values. Now, the journal Basic and Applied…
In the month of International Women’s Day 2015, Editage Insights brings you Women in Academia---an enlightening and informative series centered on women in research,…
What are your views on women in academia?
This article provides some tips on how to introduce yourself during your postdoc search, what information should be included, and how to organize your approach to…
The American experience for foreign postdocs: Breaking the ice and approaching the PI of your dream lab
To what extent does the gender of a researcher affect his or her work and growth prospects? Apparently, gender stereotypes and generalized perceptions about men and…
While there is a fair share of women at the entry level in academia,  they are highly underrepresented in senior faculty positions. Most women scientists perceive a…
Do mothers have a place in academia?
Several authors are now opting for the fast-publication track. Journals also benefit from the rapid publication model. This post lists and shares additional information…
Professor Minako Konno is a professor at the Department of Sociology (Division of Global Sciences), Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan. She began her career…