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The process of post-acceptance copyediting is a crucial step in ensuring the quality and accuracy of a manuscript before it is published. This post lists a few effective…
T-test is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you compare the means of two groups, making it a fundamental test in biomedical research. This post covers some key…
This post is about all the ways in which a biostatistician can boost your statistical abilities, empowering you to design studies and analyze data with confidence. 
This post looks at the relavence of style guides in today's digital world, talks about subject-specific style manuals and general-purpose style manuals, and explains why…
Since post-acceptance copyediting is usually the last stage in the publication cycle, it provides an opportunity to identify and rectify any language-related errors or…
The race to publish and technological innovation have contributed to the prolific scale at the cost of energy and resources. This post talks at length about some…
In this blog post, we'll explore the challenges we often face during data cleaning and present some user-friendly solutions. 
In this blogpost, we’ll look at certain best practices to strengthen your regression analyses and make sure you’re generating high-quality, robust evidence.  
Are you an author or contributor? Is this a question that often occurs to you? This article explains CRediT, short for Contributor Roles Taxonomy, to help you with…
This post talks about the importance of alternative/innovative ways to communicate science, how art fits in science communication, and the different forms of art for…