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Hosted and co-organised by the Japan Science and Technology Agency under the theme “Making data sharing work in the era of Open Science” the 7th Research Data Alliance …
We have heard of authors not being given credit for a work they have significantly contributed to. However, have you heard of any author who himself wishes to remain…
Find the most essential information you will need to submit research papers to Energy, the journal published by Elsevier.
While the advocates of open science stress on transparency and accessibility, there is a growing sentiment among some scientific folk about the need for nondisclosure of…
In a tragic incident, a clinical trial of an experimental drug being conducted in France went wrong, causing the death of one volunteer and neurological complications in…
Editage has collaborated with Axios Review through which customers of Editage and Axios Review can access discounted services—high-quality editing and translation…
Matias Piipari is the CEO and co-founder of the recently launched Manuscripts, an app that helps researchers write and easily navigate and structure complex research…
A fierce legal battle has ensued between two research groups over the patenting rights of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique. CRISPR, short for ‘clustered regularly…
Two research teams in a legal battle over CRISPR patent ownership
The pressure to publish or perish can make authors desperate to increase their publication count. However, being tempted to divide a single study and publish it as…
With science becoming increasingly competitive, every published paper is seen as a step up the ladder of success. Thus, blocking or delaying publication of an academic…