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Often when I’m speaking to young women in STEM, the subject of having kids comes up in conversation. And I take every one of these conversations as an opportunity to…
If you look at our nice and shiny research paper, with the blue PNAS logo on the side, slick figures, a list of references, etc., you’d rarely think about all the blood,…
  • Guest Author
  • May 30, 2019
In the media, an academic simply doesn’t look like me. They don’t come from the background I came from. While, this may seem like an overgeneralization, sometimes I feel…
  • Guest Author
  • May 30, 2019
It’s been just over 2 months since you left my life. I have been filling up the time with holidays and family and more recently work again. Although I was relieved when…
It all started back in October at a big conference I attended. I felt out of place: like a fraud who didn’t belong. While I may have graduated college, received a Master…
  • Guest Author
  • May 30, 2019
Sometimes doing a PhD can feel like a form of madness when you are working and mothering small needy people full time. Why on earth would I take on such a huge time- and…
The first time I applied to MD/PhD programs I got rejected. Completely. Not a single interview. It hurt – a lot. But I applied again the following year and ended up…
  • Guest Author
  • May 30, 2019
Here is our curated list of some of the most happening conversations that took place in academia to fill your appetite for the goings-on of the scholarly publishing…
What comes to people’s minds when you say the word scientist? Chances are most people picture a middle-aged white man toiling away in a dark, mysterious laboratory. A…
Being pregnant and having a cold at the same time made it very obvious how little attention I used to pay to my health during graduate school. Like me, I understand that…
  • Guest Author
  • May 29, 2019