
Literature Search

How can you decide whether reading a full paper is worth your time and what can you do to understand and evaluate a paper efficiently? This articles shares some overall…
With a wide variety of available scientific literature search tools, repositories, search engines, databases, and more, how do you pick the best one? This article will…
Literature search, in general, is quite a time- and effort-intensive task. It is therefore quite likely that researchers and clinicians involved in interdisciplinary or…
Reading relevant and recent literature is as integral a part of a researcher’s life as is conducting research. This free downloadable handbook offers tips on how you can…
The literature review is an essential part of an article. Without a strong analysis of prior literature, there can be no certainty that an article addresses important…
What a journal editor expects to see in a literature review
When conducting literature search, do you feel uncertain about a source’s authenticity and credibility? In this article, we focus on identifying ‘scholarly’ sources for…
Tips to identify whether a source is scholarly and reliable
Google Scholar is a tool researchers commonly use for conducting literature searches. This post shares eight great tips to help make your Google Scholar search more…
A series of unplanned events led me to a copy of Charlie Munger’s famous speech titled “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment” and got my brain whirring. In the speech he…
3 Crucial mistakes researchers should avoid while conducting research
Over the last few years, numerous digital tools have made their way into the scholarly world to help researchers juggle with the multiple roles they have to play. This…
A young researcher's guide to digital tools for literature search and reference management
Conducting a literature review is an essential part of getting a manuscript publication-ready. But you may sometimes find that there aren’t too many journal articles in…