
Career Advice for Researchers

Preprints are preliminary versions of scientific manuscripts that are published on the World Wide Web, freely accessible by all, without peer review. This post explains…
If you are a PhD holder, you have a lot more than a degree or certificate – you have critical-thinking, management, and communication skills. But you likely also…
What is the key to creating a CV that will open doors to that academic position just right for you? The answer is a winning academic CV—one that effectively highlights…
The task of writing a book (or a monograph) is bound to appear daunting, but the trick to completing it is to divide it into manageable chunks and to follow a systematic…
This article tells you why authoring a book or at least a chapter in a book is important for your CV, how you should approach the task, and what you may expect.
If you’re worried about how a paper in a delisted journal would affect your reputation or credibility, here are some tips on how to navigate this situation.
Environmental research is a complex, multifaceted field. This post outlines some essential skills aspiring environmental researchers need to have impactful careers.
Soft skills encompass a wide range of abilities, including communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and leadership. This article lists some essential soft…
By embracing alternative paths, these 9 former academics bring their unique perspectives and skills to various industries, enriching them with their knowledge and…
This article explores the unique challenges faced by mid-career researchers and provide valuable tips to help them unlock the secrets of scholarly publishing. From…