
Grammar & Language

A recent survey by research publishing giant Springer Nature shows that around a third of researchers in Japan are unsure how to share their research beyond academic…
Springer Nature highlights need to support Japanese researchers in sharing findings after publication
Scientific research thrives on collaboration, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds. However, language barriers can impede the participation of…
How can lab heads bridge language divides in science?
Humor helps make even the most mind-boggling science feel downright enjoyable and digestible. So, keep this in mind the next time you are about to share your work with…
How to bring humor into scientific discourse
In this article, we'll explore what exactly is a thesis statement, and how can you craft one that does justice to your research proposal or thesis and conveys the…
In research, English has probably helped break down barriers more than it has divided people, but the predominance of English is not an unalloyed good. The expectation…
How does one navigate International collaborations in academia? Here is the second part of a 2-part series on overcoming geographical and language challenges in…
A variety of languages are spoken by researchers globally. In this article, we discuss the need for language inclusivity in research communication and pave the way for…
The journey from research to global impact demands a commitment to multilingual accessibility. By embracing the challenges and leveraging the power of translation and…
Japan has an impressive range of Japanese-language research journals and a well-developed academic publishing ecosystem. While Japan is a top-class research nation,…
In this post, we look at how common word choices can help or hinder your impact, and how to handle clichés in your writing.