Subject Area Support for Every Academic Manuscript
Partner with Editage to achieve your academic publication goals across 1,600+ subject areas covered by 3,000+ domain specialists.
Niche, interdisciplinary, & broad domain expertise across 5 major subjects
Medical Sciences
We have enhanced over 470,000 research papers across more than 200 subjects under medicine, including cancer research, cardiology, anatomy, surgery, and epidemiology. Our customers publish in journals such as JAMA, The Lancet, The BMJ, New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Cell. Our editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and publication support specialists are PhDs, MDs, or BELS-certified experts, many of whom are published authors.
Types of documents supported:
Abstract, Original Research Article, Narrative Review, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Protocol Papers, Conference Proceedings, Case Report/Case series, Clinical Trial/Experimental Study, and more.
Life Sciences
We have enhanced over 280,000 research papers in the life sciences across more than 100 subjects, including biology, biotechnology, pharma, plant and animal sciences, toxicology, and genetics. Our customers publish in journals such as Journal of Biology, Cell, Life Sciences, Science, Nature, PLoS Biology, Nature Genetics, and Cell Metabolism. Our editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and publication support specialists are PhDs, MDs, or BELS-certified experts, many of whom are published authors.
Types of documents supported:
Abstract, Original Research Article, Narrative Review, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Letter to the Editor/Editorial, Commentary/Opinion Article/Perspective, Brief Report/Brief Communication, Protocol Papers, Conference Proceedings, Taxonomy/Nomenclature Genome Announcements, and many more.
Physical Engineering
We have enhanced over 420,000 research papers across more than 250 subjects under physical sciences and engineering, such as physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering and technology, computer science, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences, electronics, nanotechnology, optics, and mathematics. Our customers publish in journals such as Nature Physics, Science, Acta Mathematics, Physical Review, Advances in Physics, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemical Society Reviews, Engineering, Applied Energy, IEEE Software, and Proceedings of the IEEE. Our editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and publication support specialists are engineers, physicists, computer scientists, PhDs, or BELS-certified experts, many of whom are published authors.
Types of documents supported:
Abstract, Original Research Article, Narrative Review, Systematic Review, Letter to the Editor/Editorial, Commentary/Opinion Article/Perspective, Brief Report/Brief Communication, Conference Proceedings, Letters (not to be confused with Letter to the Editor/Editorial), Notes/Technical Notes, and many more.
Social Sciences
We have enhance over 300,000 papers across more than 500 subjects in the humanities and social sciences, including subjects such as sociology, psychology, history, political science, literature, arts, anthropology, philosophy, archeology, media, and communication. Our customers get published in journals such as The Social Science Journal, Annual Review of Sociology, Gender & Society, Humanity, Cultural Antrhopology, Journal of Communication, Theory, Culture & Society, Journal of European Social Policy, Political Behavior, and International Journal of Philosophical Studies. Our editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and publication support specialists are social scientists, PhDs or BELS-certified experts, many of whom are published authors.
Types of documents supported:
Abstract, Original Research Article, Essay, Narrative Review, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Letter to the Editor/Editorial, Commentary/Opinion Article/Perspective, Brief Report/Brief Communication, Protocol Papers, Conference Proceedings, Annual Reports, and many more.
Business & Economics
We have enhanced over 75,000 research papers across business and economics in subjects such as, applied economics, econometrics, finance, operations management, game theory, management studies, marketing and advertising, consumer behavior, accounting, statistics, and human resource management. Our customers publish in journals such as Quarterly Journal of Economics, Econometrica, The American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Management, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, and MIT Sloan Management Review. Our editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and publication support specialists are social scientists, PhDs or BELS-certified experts, many of whom are published authors.
Types of documents supported:
Abstract, Original Research Article, Essay, Narrative Review, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Letter to the Editor/Editorial, Commentary/Opinion Article/Perspective, Brief Report/Brief Communication, Protocol Papers, Conference Proceedings, Annual Reports, and many more.
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Editage gives you access to 3,000+ of the industry's best editors, translators, peer reviewers, managing editors, and academic publication experts who help thousands of researchers get published every year
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And if you are still not satisfied, you get a full refund, no questions asked.
On Time
We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours
And, if we ever miss a promised deadline by even one minute, we offer a full refund.
Highest Standard Data Security
We work hard to protect your work and making all our experts and employees honour a strict NDA.
Your files are also secure on our latest ISO standard systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified).
By your side throughout your publication journey
to help you
Choose a Journal
we offer
Journal Selection
when you are
Preparing your manuscript
we offer
English Editing Translation Services Plagiarism Check Artwork Formatting Cover Letter Creation
when you're planning to
Submit your manuscript
we offer
Journal Submission Re-editing Re-submission Support Response Letter Checks
WHEN YOU want to create
Impact with your research
we offer
Peer Impact Solutions Media Impact Solutions Funder Impact Solutions
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