Given the pressure on researchers to publish and that too in a foreign language, many non–English-speaking researchers may write the paper in their first language and then use a software program to…
Hedging is common in academic writing. But is it appropriate? And, if yes, how much should you hedge? This post explains it all. 
Acknowledgments are probably the easiest section to write in a research paper, but can often be tricky! This article discusses the purpose of the acknowledgements section in a research paper and…
Yateendra Joshi recommends a list of interesting and practical resources on academic writing for researchers.
Following this brief explanation of what plagiarism is – essentially, ‘borrowing’ pieces of text published elsewhere and incorporating them into your article without any indication that you have done…
In the context of writing research papers, observing the conventions means that journal editors, reviewers, and – eventually – your readers will focus on your message and will not be sidetracked or,…
If the idea of writing a research paper is making you anxious, this article is for you. Learn how you can make a dent in your writing project by creating the first draft of your article. 
When it comes to writing a research proposal, an assignment, or an academic paper, you tend to worry: you wonder whether you are making errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word usage. To…
If you want others to cite your paper, you should make sure they read it first. Let us assume that the title and the abstract of your paper have convinced your peers that they should see your paper.…
You have been working hard on your research project for months and the data it has generated are promising. You feel now is the right time to start writing your first research paper, but you have…