
Publication Planning

On July 21, 2022, the prominent blog Retraction Watch and esteemed American journal Science published articles on the newly uncovered evidence of potential…
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now being widely explored to ease several publishing-related aspects. Academic writing is one of them. In this post, Charlotte…
The 7th World Conference on Research Integrity, held in May–June 2022 in Cape Town, focused on issues surrounding ethics in collaboration between researchers in the…
Images that researchers include in their papers need to meet the presentation quality requred for publication. But in manipulating their images to make them presentable,…
This article will provide some guidance on what is a research question, how it's different from hypothesis, how to write a research question, and what are some common…
Twenty-seven years ago, German researchers discovered the fossil of a 120-million-year-old dinosaur in northern Brazil. In December 2020, a group of scientists confirmed…
What should you include or not include in the conclusion of a research paper? How is it different from a paper summary or abstract? Read on to find out how to write the…
On 21 March, 2022, the Chinese government has issued a stricter set of ethical guidelines2 for research in human and animal genetics. What will be the major changes and…
A well-framed research hypothesis helps identify the most appropriate experimental design to adopt and the exact nature of data to collect so that it can be tested…
Opportunities for AI in publishing are expanding rapidly. AI provides exciting opportunities for designing intelligent products and devising novel service offerings…