
Research Paper Structure

Here are some truly simple tips that might help you to obtain and analyze your spectra effectively.
This post talks about what are keywords, their importance in any academic writing, and how to choose suitable keywords for your manuscript or scholarly article.
We had invited researchers around the world to ask questions related to research communication and challenges that they face while presenting data visually. Fabricio…
Creating scientific figures is a simple and effective way to boost the value of your research. Check out this article to learn how to make a good one.
It is critical that individuals in the scientific or academic fields understand the distinction between a graphical abstract and an infographic, as they do not serve the…
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Psychological Association Manual (APA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet…
Read this article to learn the ABCs of science communication. The article covers everything you need to understand how science communication works and what you need to…
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Medical Association Manual (AMA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet to…
Cheat sheet: American Medical Association Manual of Style
Acknowledgments are probably the easiest section to write in a research paper, but can often be tricky! This article discusses the purpose of the acknowledgements…
I asked some publication experts: What do researchers need? What is that missing piece that researchers need to become successful? And I received some really interesting…