
Academic Writing

Errors in word usage account for a significant proportion of language problems in research papers written by non-native English speakers. This article lists some…
6 Types of word choice errors in scientific writing
Choosing between the active and passive voice can be particularly confusing in academic writing. This article will help you understand how to make the …
Contributing to the science of nursing helps advance the nursing profession and improve patient outcomes. Essential to this success is encouragement of and support for…
You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears, along with countless hours into your dissertation and it’s nearly ready for its final hand-in. However, you want your dissertation…
In writing a research paper, you mention, or cite, papers written by other researchers. For example, instead of describing in detail the method you used, you simply…
How to cite an article: Quick tips on Vancouver and Harvard styles in citations
There is a dire need to communicate in simplified writing in Academic Publishing. Complex ideas need not be described in a difficult manner. This article discusses how…
This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing…
Confused about how to use the Chicago Manual of Style or Scientific Style and Format when preparing your manuscript?We will soon host a video prepared by experts from…
This article explains some points of style in scientific writing related to using negative exponents in expressing rates.
Many authors, particularly those who lack fluency in English, often take the assistance of professional medical writing services. However, authors should be extremely…