
Around the web

As 2022 draws to a close, it’s time to get a flavor of the main developments influencing scholarly writing and publishing this year.
We published 243 content pieces on Editage Insights this year, and this post has some of the most interesting and well-received ones.
November 10 marks the 21st World Science Day for Peace and Development. Here, we discuss the theme of this year’s World Science Day and why it is significant. 
Writing to a journal can be stressful for authors. This article gives some useful tips for you to communicate with your journal effectively.
Bullying is something that everybody understands is bad, but it remains rife in many fields, including in medicine, the military, and primary or secondary education…
It is no secret that academia has a dark, expansive history of bullying. Over the past few years, a growing body of evidence has suggested an alarming rate of bullying…
A survey report published by University and College Union (UCU) this month revealed the poor working conditions and the dipping employee-satisfaction level in one of UK…
Only one in three researchers in the world is a woman, according to recent estimates by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Men continue to dominate science,…
The voice of women in academia is growing stronger and yet the gender gap continues to be a prominent issue even today. Women often have to shoulder more…
Wouldn’t it be interesting to take a peek into how academic mothers managed their work while also taking care of their kids during the pandemic? We spoke to three…