
Grammar & Language

The long-drawn peer review process can be frustrating for not just for researchers, but also for the journal editor. How can you, the author, help accelerate the…
Does the task of writing make you nervous? Being aware of some of the most common pitfalls in scientific writing can help you avoiding them.   
Inaccurate usage of scientific and technical terms can give out the impression that you do not have in-depth knowledge of the subject.  Naturally, peer reviewers are…
Avoid these common errors in physical sciences terminology
Abbreviations are commonly used in research manuscripts as they can help make highly complex technical writing more concise and easier to read. However, they can also…
Common errors in the usage of abbreviations in scientific writing
When it comes to writing a research proposal, an assignment, or an academic paper, you tend to worry: you wonder whether you are making errors of spelling, grammar,…
6 Actionable tips to improve academic writing
Errors in word usage account for a significant proportion of language problems in research papers written by non-native English speakers. This article lists some…
6 Types of word choice errors in scientific writing
Choosing between the active and passive voice can be particularly confusing in academic writing. This article will help you understand how to make the …
You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears, along with countless hours into your dissertation and it’s nearly ready for its final hand-in. However, you want your dissertation…
8 Tricks and tips to effectively proofread your dissertation
There is a dire need to communicate in simplified writing in Academic Publishing. Complex ideas need not be described in a difficult manner. This article discusses how…
This post describes the different kinds of word-related information that a dictionary offers, including meaning, usage, pronunciation, etymology, etc.