
News & Trends

This post presents the key results from the Grant Review in Focus report, a global survey by Publons on grant peer revieweing
A new study presenting a revolutionary robotic mobility-assistance suit was published in the journal Science this August showcasing a portable “exosuit” that can assist…
A team of researchers from Chung-Ang University and their collaborators have revealed a critical role of sequence differences in ribosomes—the cell’s protein-production…
Cactus Foundation has launched a global mental health survey for researchers 
A look at this year's Nobel Prize winners in the sciences along with highlights of their distinguished achievements
Scientists uncover new genetic pathways leading to antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli, which can be targeted to remove that resistance
Doctors suggest that the “adaptive” motion of nickel-titanium rotary files used for root canal procedures decreases the instrument’s torque generation, thereby reducing…
Posterior circulation strokes are difficult to diagnose because of the “normal” MRI scans as well as ambiguous symptoms, and a holistic approach can be adopted for…
The Research on Research Institute (RoRI) is a newly formed international consortium that will aim to provide insights to individuals, organizations, and governments on…
Scientists from Pusan National University show that development of the concept of “fairness” among adolescents is related to structural changes in the brain