
Manuscript Writing

A good editing service should not only ensure that the paper meets the widely accepted standards for language quality but also help the author improve his/her writing…
How your language editing service can help you improve your writing skills
Most journals ask for keywords during manuscript submission. If you wish to learn how to choose keywords that would increase the visibility of your research paper, read…
One of the most important factors that influence your chances of publication is the match between the scope of your research and the scope of your target journal. In…
Journal selection: A service that strengthens your publication strategy
Scientific writing is all about being accurate, brief, and objective, and as editors or writers, we should reduce the bias that creeps in from the use of insensitive…
Sensitivity in scientific writing
When writing a research paper, authors may feel confused about the use of certain words. This article explains the difference between the commonly confusing words - "e.g…
Scientific writing: Difference between "e.g.," "i.e.," and "namely"
Hyphens are of two kinds, accidental and intentional. 
Hyphenation: proceed with caution
Constructions like ‘the data reveal that’, ‘Table 1 shows that’, or ‘Figure 2 indicates that’ are common in research papers. But do you…
Scientific writing: Difference between "to reveal," "to show," and "to indicate"
Tables and figures, although important components of many research papers, are just that—components; you can publish a paper without them but you cannot publish tables…
Referring to tables and figures in text
Science demands precision, and part of mastering a subject involves learning the exact differences between words that mean more or less the same thing. An entomologist,…
Understanding synonyms: some reference sources
Headings or headlines are a special kind of text and are not as rigidly governed by conventions of punctuation. Read more...