
Research Paper Structure

A footnote to a table is a pointer; it tells readers that whatever bit of text they are reading requires additional information to make complete sense. Learn in this…
Footnotes in tables (part 2): formatting, spacing, and punctuation
A footnote to a table is a pointer; it tells readers that whatever bit of text they are reading requires additional information to make complete sense. Learn in this…
All too often, copyeditors focus on applying the correct style for numbers: for example, some journal publishers insist on omitting the space between the number and the…
Getting the citations and references right can be tricky—most researchers also consider it trivial. However, journals insist that authors follow the style recommended…
Cite Right: Handy advice on citations and references
Tables and figures are used in research papers to effectively present detailed results and complex relationships, reduce the length of the manuscript, and enhance…
Tips on effective use of tables and figures in research papers
The title, abstract, and keywords are one of the most important elements to publication success. A negligent or sloppy attitude towards these three vital elements…
How to write an effective title and abstract and choose appropriate keywords
The aim of the journal article is to communicate your research effectively and help readers understand the issues at hand. This post explains how you can structure your…
Over the years we have measured “editing quality” in many different ways, and perhaps the most important of these is what you, the author, feel about the completed…
Your opinion matters
An overwhelming trend in the feedback we have collected from authors who have worked with us over the years is this: The editor’s understanding of the subject area is…
Selecting the subject area in your submission form to Editage
One of the most basic and important aspects of a research paper is the title. Writing the a research paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires some serious…