This post provides essential information for those planning to submit a research paper to the journal Applied Ergonomics.
This post provides concise guidance for authors planning to contribute to The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science published by the Japanese Society for Veterinary Science.
Researchers considering Biological Psychiatry will find essential information and submission facts about the journal. 
This post offers important information and submission tips to prospective contributors to the Korean Journal of Pediatrics.
This post provides quick facts and submission tips to those planning to submit research papers to the journal Blood.
Find the most essential information you will need to submit research papers to Energy, the journal published by Elsevier.
This post offers concise information for those planning to submit a paper to Psychological Science.
This post describes the different kinds of word-related information that a dictionary offers, including meaning, usage, pronunciation, etymology, etc.
This post shows how English monolingual dictionaries differ in terms of the number of words, quotations, sequence in which different meanings of the same word are presented, illustrations, and the…
Why it is important to fomat headings clearly and consistently? This post explains how appropriately formatting the headings increases the readability and clarity of the paper.