Dissertation Editing: Can You Edit Your Own Thesis?

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Dissertation Editing: Can You Edit Your Own Thesis?

Your dissertation might be the most challenging writing project you’ve ever tackled so far. It represents literally thousands of hours of hard work and research, over a number of years. As you finally add the finishing touches, you probably heave a big sigh of relief. But is your dissertation truly ready? Editing your dissertation can make a difference to how your research is perceived.  


Recheck Your Tone: Sound Polished, Not Just Correct 

Scholarly works like dissertations are expected to follow certain conventions related to language. In fields like the biomedical sciences, researchers and authors are expected to ensure their writing does not contain any biased or dehumanizing language, and failing to adhere to these standards can create a negative perception of your entire study. No, you don’t have to be overly formal, but you need to sound respectful, professional and convincing. A professional dissertation editor can help you achieve the right tone in your work, making your arguments more readable and persuasive. Such editors are also up to date about current best practices in reporting gender, race, sexual orientation, and other sensitive topics. 


Avoid Ambiguities in Your Dissertation: Improve Clarity and Accuracy 

Take the sentence “We treated 85 patients using amphetamines.” If you’re the researcher who conducted this study, you probably think this is exact enough. But to an outside reader, it’s confusing: did you use amphetamines as part of the treatment (intervention) in your study? Or were the patients already using amphetamines and did you treat them with something else? Ambiguities and inaccuracies like these are exactly editing can help you with, ensuring that your research and findings are accurately presented and easy to understand.  


Catch Simple Errors: Proofread with a Fresh Pair of Eyes 

Even the most seasoned writers ask someone else to proofread their work. Why? When you focus heavily on a piece of text again and again, you start “skimming” it more and more because you’re so familiar with the content. In this way, small spelling mistakes or misplaced punctuation often get overlooked. A professional dissertation editor will approach your work with a fresh perspective, and is therefore more likely to spot typos, inconsistencies, or spacing issues that the writer misses.  


Free Up Valuable Time: Speed Up the Dissertation Writing Process 

Dissertations can be lengthy (some are akin to full-length books!), and even formatting them can be tedious and time-consuming. Outsourcing these mundane aspects to a professional dissertation editor can free up time for you to spend in higher-value tasks, such as preparing for your defense.  


Increase Your Knowledge and Confidence with the Right Partner 

When your dissertation has gone through the hands of a professional editor, you can feel more confident that it is up to standard and is unlikely to contain basic, embarrassing errors. Also, a good dissertation editor will not simply “correct” your writing but also share valuable tips and suggestions on how you can improve your writing skills. Such editors are moreover open to queries about their edits, and are happy to explain the rationale behind certain changes. This exchange can boost your own knowledge and skills as a researcher, enabling you to tackle future journal articles or conference papers with ease.  




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Published on: Sep 16, 2024

An editor at heart and perfectionist by disposition, providing solutions for journals, publishers, and universities in areas like alt-text writing and publication consultancy.
See more from Marisha Fonseca


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