Q: What is the meaning of “decision in process” status?

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I have already submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal. After two rounds of revision round, the status is now "decision in process." Could you possibly tell me what it means and how long it takes?

Asked on Mar 3, 2014
7 Answer to this question


When a journal displays the “decision in process” status, it means that the editorial board is in the process of making the final decision about your paper. At this stage when the journal decision is in process, the editor will go through the revised manuscript and your replies to the reviewer comments before coming to a decision. The editor might decide to consult the peer reviewers once more. Sometimes, there may be quite a few papers lined up before yours. This is why this stage might take long. There’s no specific time frame for this; the time may vary depending on the journal and the field. I think it would be reasonable to write to the editor to inquire about the status of your paper if you haven’t received a response even a month after the last status change. 

I hope this answer helps. I wish you luck with getting published.

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Keep calm and wait: A guide to understanding journal statuses

Answered by Editage Insights 30 Mar, 2017

Resources for authors and journals

Answer: Decision in process status comes into the picture when the final decision is taken by the chief editor/editor in chief. In other words when the handling editor of paper takes the decision and submit it in the system then the status gets changed to decision in process. Then this decision is emailed to the author by the editor in chief.

Answered by RAJESH Mahindru 10 Oct, 2017

Answer: Hi, I just sent a paper to EJHG, and it was "under consideration" by October 19; by October 25, it was "Decision made", What does it mean?? As far as I know, my corresponding author has no received any answer from the journal yet.Thanks in advance...

Answered by Charls Darwin 29 Oct, 2017

Answer: Dear Dr. Darwin, I think this indicates a desk rejection.Possibly, the editor-in-chief conducted a preliminary check of your paper and felt that it was unsuitable for the journal. Generally, manuscripts are rejected at this stage if they do not match the journal's scope or if the some of the basic requirements of the journal have not been met.

Answered by Kakoli Majumder 23 Nov, 2017


It is good step towards final publishing, so good luck..

Answered by Emad Hussein 25 Aug, 2019


In my opinion, this status means that the handling editor will make the final decision, basing on the referee report. 

I have got the same situation. I have submitted a math paper to  an Elsevier journal. The status changed from "required review completed" to "decision in process". But the latter remained a bout 30 days. I wrote an email to the handling editor, and he replies that "I will look into it and get back to you". But then I had to wait for about 2 week until I got the decision letter. Finally, my paper was accepted.

Answered by hv khanh 2 Dec, 2019


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Answered by Tiger Butts 12 Oct, 2023