Q: What does "decision in progress" mean for a revised submission with major revisions?

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Dear all, yesterday, I submitted my revised paper that had received a "major revision." Today the status was changed to "Decision in progress." In my experience, it should be "Under review", and then "Decision in progress" a few weeks later, right? We think we have completed 90% of required experiments and responded to every question of reviewers. Thanks.

1 Answer to this question

Generally, papers that have received a major revision decision are sent for a second round of review. But in some cases, it is possible that the editor makes the decision himself/herself or involves other members of the editorial team instead of sending it out for review. Another possibility is that the status description for this journal shows "Decision in process" for revised papers instead of "With editor" during the time the editor is conducting an initial check and sending out invitations to reviewers.

Whatever it is, I don't think this will affect the outcome of your paper in any way. If you have made all the changes satisfactorily, you can be hopeful. All the best!

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