Q: What can be done if file uploading failed during manuscript submission?

Detailed Question -

In the last step of submission to the journal Ophthalmic Plastic & Restructive Surgery, the web page says "File-related information is missing".

As instructed, I went back to the "Attach Files" page.

Then I chose "Manuscript (include all text components in one file)" in the "Select Item Type"; and chose "manuscript" in the “Description".

However, my PDF file still couldn't be uploaded. Same prompt - "File-related information is missing".

What shall I do?

1 Answer to this question

It's difficult to say what could be wrong. It is possible that you could still be missing something. Try the other options under "Select Item Types" and see if it works. Some journals have a tutorial explaining the submission process. Here is an example for you. If your target journal has such a tutorial, you could go through it to understand where you are going wrong. 

It is also possible that there is an error in the system. If nothing works, you can write to the journal about the problem and ask if you can submit over email.

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