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Q: What are the limitations of a study and how to write them?
The limitations of a study are its flaws or shortcomings which could be the result of unavailability of resources, small sample size, flawed methodology, etc. No study is completely flawless or inclusive of all possible aspects. Therefore, listing the limitations of your study reflects honesty and transparency and also shows that you have a complete understanding of the topic.
Generally speaking, the limitations are added in the Discussion section, just before the concluding paragraph. While you should definitely point out the limitations, do not get into an elaborate discussion about them. Keep this section short and crisp. The limitations of a study basically discusses any unanswered questions that your study did not address. Could you have used another means or method of data collection? Could the research design have been better? Was the sample not representative of the target population? Being self-critical and acknowledging the study’s limitations will give the impression that you are aware of what the study was not able to cover. Moreover, it would prevent the peer reviewer from pointing them out.
To learn in depth how to write an effective results section, check out this course designed exclusively for researchers: How to write the most effective results and discussion sections.
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Limitations of a study are factors that may affect the accuracy, reliability, or generalizability of the study results. These limitations may arise from the study design, data collection methods, sample size, subject selection bias, external factors, or time and resource limitations. Clearly identifying and presenting limitations increases the transparency and objectivity of the study.
When writing about the limitations of a study, follow these steps: First, specifically identify the limitations, such as a small sample size that may affect the generalizability of the results, or self-reported data that may lead to subjective bias. Second, analyze the impact of these limitations on the study's conclusions, explaining how they may affect the validity or accuracy of the results. Third, if possible, provide reasons for why those limitations exist, such as due to financial, time or feasibility limitations of the study. Finally, propose solutions or suggestions for future studies to improve and minimize the impact of these limitations.
A complete and logical presentation of limitations does not undermine the value of the study, but on the contrary, demonstrates honesty, scientificity and helps other researchers have a basis to continue to expand or improve the study in the future.
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This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage