Q: What are gaps in literature?

Detailed Question -

My paper is about: Teachers' perspectives on parents' involvement with their educationally exceptional children in completing their assignments.

1 Answer to this question

I wasn’t entirely clear about your question, including the subject of your paper. So, I have edited it for greater clarity. I understand that you wish to know about literature gaps for your study and how to go about identifying these gaps. As for your subject, as that is a very specific topic, I will not be in a position to help you. However, I can provide some suggestions and tips that you can use to identify literature gaps for your subject.

A literature gap, or research gap, is an unexplored topic revealed during a literature search that has scope for research or further exploration. To identify literature gaps, you need to do a thorough review of existing literature in both the broad and specific areas of your topic. You could go through both the Introduction and Discussion sections of existing papers in the subject area to identify such gaps. Apart from a study of the existing literature, you may also be able to identify research gaps based on your own analysis of the problem and existing literature. Thus, for your present subject, you could try to find out more about questions such as educationally exceptional children and their special requirements and challenges; attitudes and behaviors of parents of such children; ways in which these parents help their children to maximize their potential (and how beneficial or detrimental this can be); and also opinions from child and adult psychologists, sociologists, and learning experts. Note that these are only examples to guide you and help you get started. Your own literature review will reveal specific potential directions for your study.

Finally, here are some resources to guide you further: