It is well known that the number of PhD holders is increasing every year, but what is not so well known is the career path they choose. How many of them continue to be a part of academia, how many…
Researchers scramble to boost their publication record by targeting to publish in high impact factor journals as their career advancement depends on it. Consequentially, most researchers face a…
Science has seldom been a topic of drawing room conversations. The general public tends to believe that science is a complex subject that is best left to its stakeholders – the researchers. Moreover…
Should germline modification be allowed on human embryos? To discuss this issue, geneticists from across the globe will meet in the International Summit on Human Gene Editing, which will kick off in…
Undergoing the process of scientific publication is inevitable for researchers, but most find this a daunting task as it is long drawn and effort intensive. After submitting their paper to a journal…
Following the multiple cases of author misconduct in which Chinese researchers were involved, the Chinese government and a major funding agency in China are taking steps to put a stop to these…
As the volume of publishing is increasing, journal editors are finding it increasingly difficult to appoint reviewers as many refuse review requests. What are the reasons behind this refusal apart…
Unhappy with the way science is being governed in the country, Chilean researchers resorted to street protests and published an open letter that criticized the government’s lack of support to science.
Peer review is considered by most scholars to be a reliable method of evaluating research qualitatively. But what are the perspectives of authors, peer reivewers, and journal editors on peer review?…
The richest award in science, the Breakthrough Prize, was presented on October 8 to researchers belonging to the fields of physics, life sciences, and mathematics. This year, a new category was added…