The American Chemical Society (ACS) announced on 10 August that plans to start a preprint server exclusively for chemistry papers.
Journal rejection is considered a natural part of the publication process. However, top-tier journals are more inclined toward rejecting a paper than accepting it, which Neil Herndon, the editor-in-…
On 4 August, the US federal agency National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that it would lift the funding moratorium that it had imposed on HIH-funded research, prohibiting researchers from…
What are some of the biggest concerns facing science? A recently conducted survey by one of the leading news websites Vox involving 270 researchers provides answers to this question and serves as a…
The European Research Council has announced that it will begin monitoring the economic and social outcomes of the research projects that it has commissioned.
Peer review is regarded as one of the mainstays of academic publishing. It is conceivably the most trusted method to weed out invalid and suspicious research and improve the quality of published…
The Netherlands’ largest research funding agency, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), has announced the launch of a €3 million grants programme devoted to replication studies…
Irreproducibility is one the most widely discussed topics in the scholarly circles. While it is common knowledge that there is a crisis of reproducibility, finding a way around it has proved to be…
On July 10, Thomson Reuters announced plans to sell its intellectual property and science business to private-equity funds affiliated with Onex Corporation and Baring Private
The German government has signed an agreement to fund 1000 new tenure-track positions in an attempt to improve the job situation in the country. This announcement, made on June 16 by President Angela…