A general view about researchers is that they are a recluse community that seldom leaves their labs and the ivory tower. This has changed over the past few years. Across the globe, researchers have…
Is it possible that the socio-cultural factors of a country can influence the publication practices of the researchers? This article delves deep into the factors that have shaped Chinese researchers…
Chinese institutions have been known to offer incentives to faculty upon successful publication in reputed, peer-reviewed, high-impact-factor journals. It has recently come to light that, researchers…
The University of Tokyo investigated for almost a year the allegations of scientific misconduct on that Yoshinori Watanabe, an eminent researcher affiliated with the institution. The university’s…
Last week, the U.S. government announced that it plans to bar its citizens from traveling to North Korea. This move is being contemplated due to the risk of "long-term detention in the country.” If…
Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal and Campaign for Accountability accused Google of “paying academics to publish research favorable to the company’s policy and business positions—often…
More than six months into his presidency, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump has not yet appointed a science advisor and has displayed no definitive signs of doing so. The White…
Register for Cabell’s International webinar "Cabells Whitelist & Blacklist Demonstration; New Web Interface and Features," to know more about their new features - the Journal Blacklist and…
A recently published report titled China’s International Scientific Research Collaboration Landscape, jointly produced by the Chinese National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) and…
Sci-Hub, the site that provides free access to pirated academic papers, has been ordered to pay $15 million by a U.S. district court to Elsevier for “unlawfully accessing and distributing its…