According to 2018 Science & Engineering Indicators, a report published by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), China has left the U.S. behind to become the largest producer of scientific…
A consortium of 300 South Korean universities and college libraries has reached an agreement with publishing giant Elsevier after long negotiations and a series of disagreements. However, the…
On December 3, researchers discarded their work clothes for party wear as they attended the annual presentation of the Breakthrough Prizes, also known as the “Oscars of Science.” The Breakthrough…
A group of 75 Nobel Laureates has signed an open letter addressed to the Iranian government, protesting the death sentence of an Iranian researcher. Ahmadreza Djalali was accused of spying but…
After big data, the phenomenon that has caused a stir in the scientific world is that of artificial intelligence (AI). Whether it is healthcare, manufacturing, scientific research, or warfare, AI has…
Scientific research lies at the core of Japan, the third-largest economy in the world. Since 2000, Japanese researchers have won 17 Nobel Prizes in the sciences, which only emphasizes the nation’s…
Whenever we think about predation in the context of scholarly publishing, we habitually point a finger at publishers and journals that are willing to publish any piece of “scientific” literature with…
The African Academy of Sciences announced the launch of an open access publishing platform called AAS Open Research early next year. This would be created with assistance from the London publisher…
Earlier this month, a district court in Virginia sided with the publisher American Chemical Society (ACS) that had filed a suit against Sci-Hub for copyright infringement and trademark violation. The…
Last week, publishing giant Springer Nature pulled down around 1000 articles from its Chinese website since these articles touched upon topics deemed sensitive by the Chinese authorities. This move…