A wide range of human diseases is caused by gene mutations, which result in misfolded protein molecules. Now researchers have demonstrated in mice what could be a revolutionary technique to correct this and cure a disease. To know more, read on. 

Polyandry among animals

Validating the recent finding that females in the animal kingdom are polyandrous, researchers have found that female fire salamanders mate with several males. Read on to know more. 

In a recent study, researchers were able to determine the chirality of a gaseous sample by imaging its molecular structure. Read on to know more. 

Biologists at the University at Buffalo have found that being severely overweight alters the way we taste food. To know more, read on. 

According to a new study, the presence of molecular hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and water on Mars could have created a greenhouse effect on the red planet 3.8 billion years. To know more, read on. 

The lateral habenula, considered to be one of the oldest regions of the brain, evolution-wise, has always been linked to depression and avoidance behavior. But a new study has found that this region of the brain plays a crucial role in decision making. Read on to know more. 

A new study may offer insight into the implications antioxidants may have for the embryos of other species, including humans. Read on to know more. 

Long thought to have been eliminated in mammals, antiviral RNA interference may exist in mammalian cells, after all, suggest Maillard et al. Read on to know more. 

Researchers have found that infants who can detect changes in number will have a high mathematical aptitude by the time they reach preschool. Read on to know more. 

NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has uncovered a solar system whose planets orbit at a steep angle to their star’s equator. Read on to know more.