Take our survey: Author perspectives on the academic publishing process

Editage Insights invites you to participate in a global survey to help the scholarly publishing industry understand what authors think about the academic publishing system and what they would like to change about it. The survey closes on December 20, 2017. If you haven't taken the survey yet, now is the time! Take the survey, share your opinions, and invite your peers and colleagues to share their views, too!
Why we are conducting the survey: A few years ago, we conducted a survey-based study that highlighted the gap in understanding between journal editors/publishers and East-Asian authors. Almost all of our efforts are directed toward filling such gaps and bringing the academic publishing community closer together. Through our interactions with researchers, we know that publishing in international journals is a stepping stone to career advancement. We also know that the road to publication is not always easy given the highly competitive research environment. While early career researchers and those for whom English is not their first language face the most problems, even senior researchers sometimes find it hard to navigate the publishing system.
What the survey is about: This survey aims to identify what you think and expect of the academic publishing process. What works best in the current system? What according to you needs to change? Your views would be invaluable in decrypting the problems in the current publishing landscape. The survey results will be shared widely in the industry.
Editage Insights_Interim Survey Report.pdf
Published on: Dec 07, 2016
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