Masterclass by guest speaker Brian Uzzi: Strategies for interdisciplinary research success

The future of research is increasingly being seen as interdisciplinary; especially since we often need to assimilate knowledge from multiple disciplines to build effective and sustainable solutions to complex social challenges. However, interdisciplinary research and collaboration is not easy – it requires tremendous effort and must be fostered and nurtured. Recognizing the importance of learning and synthesizing experiential knowledge, R Upskill presents an exclusive online masterclass on strategies to enhance team science for interdisciplinary research success by guest speaker Brian Uzzi, a globally celebrated and award-winning scientist, author, and teacher.
In this live event, our distinguished guest speaker Brian Uzzi will draw from his vast repertoire of experiences to:
- Emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary research and team science
- Take a closer look at the most common barriers to interdisciplinary research
- Provide practical tips to overcome collective team science challenges
- Propose actionable strategies to achieve constructive research outcomes
- Share best practices for operating in a multi-disciplinary research environment
This engaging R Masterclass is an unmissable opportunity, not only for those who are working toward developing interdisciplinary careers in academia, but also for mentors, team leads and ambitious researchers. The 60-minute live session will equip you with actionable tips and the skills necessary for productive collaboration and successful project delivery. You will be challenged to reflect upon your own research practice, learn how to hone leadership and collaboration skills, and build new networks of support. Participants will benefit from the interactive question and answer session, and will in addition, have access to free learning resources and the complete recorded session. Those who join this exclusive program will also receive an R Upskill Masterclass Certificate of Attendance.
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 12 PM GMT/UTC
Limited seats available - don’t miss this opportunity.
About Brian Uzzi, our Master Coach
Brian Uzzi is the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He also co-directs the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), and holds professorships in Sociology and the McCormick School of Engineering. An accomplished scientist, teacher, and consultant on leadership, social networks, and AI, Brian consults for organizations and governments in over 30 countries. He is known for his work with interdisciplinary research and team science and has received 15 teaching prizes and 13 scientific research prizes worldwide in social, physical, and computer sciences.
This content belongs to the Career Growth Stage
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