Lab work over the holidays? 6 Tips on keeping spirits up!

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Lab work over the holidays? 6 Tips on keeping spirits up!

Every year, as the holidays come around, there is always a buzz in the lab and over lunch about lab mates planning their getaways or family celebrations. For an early career researcher, such as a PhD student or post-doc, leaving the lab over the holiday may not be an option. On the contrary, you may decide to fill in for others as well, since you have no plans anyway! Then, as campus becomes quiet and the pre-holiday parties wind down, you find yourself among the very few who stayed around to get some experiments done – or to write up that last chapter of your thesis. Initially it might feel great – a bit thrilling in fact – to be the only one on your floor working. You turn up the music and have the whole lab to yourself. But soon the novelty dies down and as you head home in the dark (even though it is 5pm), the Winter charm and sparkling lights start to give you a feeling of homesickness.  

This is the real life of researchers, often far from their home country, who find themselves navigating the liberating yet isolating world of lab work over the holidays.  

Here are some ways to get research work done and still enjoy the holidays (even if you are far away from home): 

  1. Get involved: Even though you may have a lot of research or writing pending, you can still find time to get into the holiday spirit. Find others who have stayed back on campus – maybe international students or someone who has a big deadline coming up. Plan a small holiday meal together or a potluck or a movie night. Go out together and see the local decorations or visit events where communities are gathering to celebrate. 

  1. Join a family: Yes, truly, there are wonderful people everywhere who would love to include international students in their family celebrations. Ask your mentor or perhaps talk to other students and post docs about the fact that you will be alone over the holidays. A warm meal and lots of laughter might be just what you needed! 

  1. Be flexible: Your family traditions may have been very different from what is celebrated in your adoptive country. Be open to new customs and don’t hesitate to share your own! Learning about one another’s family traditions can only bring us closer to one another! 

  1. Take care of yourself: Make a list of activities that make you feel refreshed and calm – whether it is taking a walk, playing with the neighbor’s dog, taking a few deep breaths or sipping some warm tea. Keep the list where you can see it, so you have a constant reminder to take care of yourself! 

  1. Reach out to others: There are groups online and on campus - tag along. Hey, it is the holiday season and people are welcoming. Look up your International Graduate Student Communities on campus and see if they are celebrating the holidays - there are always things happening and it may be worth a try to just drop in for a while! 

  1. Pay it forward: You can always find someone who needs a hug over the holidays – volunteer at a senior center, animal shelter or children’s hospital. This time won’t last long – and one day you will be looking back in wonder at those early days of your research life. So, make it memorable in a special way! 


Remember, a major advantage is having uninterrupted time to do your work just the way you want to! Just keep that spirit up and you can truly make the most of the holidays! 


Here is some additional reading: 


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Published on: Dec 07, 2023

A scientist by training, educator by interest and artist at heart: I love to help foster connections in thought and discovery.
See more from Radhika Vaishnav


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