
Career Growth

Predatory behavior is growing rapidly in the publishing industry: it is no longer just the predatory journals and publishers; even predatory conferences are on the rise…
Imagine that you have working tirelessly on a grant proposal keeping all the other work aside, and sent the proposal with a lot of hope. And then you are communicated…
Top tips for researchers on how to avoid grant proposal rejection
An inspiring post in which an early-career researcher narrates her personal story and takes us through the ups and downs of her on-going journey as a PhD student. She…
In this post, guest author Fouzia Nawaz talks about the concept of academic resilience and what it means in the academic research and publishing world. She also shares…
Research in many subject areas or fields involves the collection, archiving, and analysis of large amounts of data. From graduate students to veteran professors,…
PaperHive is a free web platform for researchers to transform reading of scientific research articles into a social and active collaboration. Understand how you can…
For many, postdoctoral life coincides with taking on new personal responsibilities that may include starting a family, buying a house, or paying off student loans. A…
The postdoctoral period is the springboard for an early career researcher before plunging into the independent scientific career. Therefore, finding the right mentor is…
The only way to ensure that people understand science is to communicate it in a way that enables them to absorb it easily and comprehend how it impacts them.  A 1985…
With the evolving nature of the scholarly landscape, researchers now have access to many different tools to manage different aspects and stages of their workflow and…