The process for an academic interview is quite different from a regular interview. This post explains what an academic interview is like and provides some tips on how you can prepare for it.
Having a good academic CV is the first and perhaps most crucial step towards getting started on your career path after your PhD. Most often, the CV is the door that leads to interview calls. This…
Authors are often disappointed when their manuscript is rejected after initial screening and are left wondering what was wrong with the paper and why it was not even sent for peer review. Often, an…
Often, bogus or predatory journals send email invitations to authors to submit their articles, luring them with promises of quick publication. What happens when an author falls prey to such a bogus…
With the evolving digital media landsape, scientific communication is changing to adapt to the needs of a new age audience. Graphical and video abstracts are fast gaining traction as innovative ways…
We have heard of authors not being given credit for a work they have significantly contributed to. However, have you heard of any author who himself wishes to remain anonymous? In some rare cases, it…
The pressure to publish or perish can make authors desperate to increase their publication count. However, being tempted to divide a single study and publish it as multiple articles can lead to…
With science becoming increasingly competitive, every published paper is seen as a step up the ladder of success. Thus, blocking or delaying publication of an academic paper has become a way for…
Last year, we shared with you the most common questions researchers asked us on our Q&A Forum and noticed that a lot of researchers found this list helpful. So continuing the trend, this post…
Faced with negative results and a publication bias, authors sometimes resort to unethical means such as tweaking the data or changing the research question, in their desperation to publish their…