A group of scientists from Tokyo University of Science have discovered a new way to regenerate flowering plant tissues, opening possibilities of mitigating global food shortage problem.
Some words or phrases are ‘untranslatable’ as they are unique to a culture. Today, concepts of borders, boundaries and cultures have become more dynamic. These dynamic interactions and flexible…
Tumor hypoxia, a characteristic feature of advanced solid tumors,  is considered as a potential therapeutic problem for cancer therapy. Scientists at Dongguk University have put together an…
In collaboration with researchers in the USA and New Zealand, Dongguk University’s Professor Yung Kyun Choi has identified what influences young Koreans to share advertisements (ads) on social media…
An international collaboration of Scientists at Dongguk University developed a novel nickel-based hydroxide compound that can be used as a powerful catalyst for the electrolysis of water. This…
Scientists at Dongguk University (Prof. Ki Kang Kim) in collaboration with scientists from other institutes (KIST (Dr. Soo Mim Kim), Sungkyunkwan University (Prof. Young Hee Lee) found a method for…
 Scientists at Dongguk University have found a way to create printed p-channel thin-film transistors by using the abundantly available and environmentally friendly copper(I) iodide semiconductor at…