
Authorship in Research

This piece aims to raise awareness about paper mills, tracing its origins and modus operandi, and bringing to light the red flags researchers should be wary of.
To mark the occasion of World Health Day, we speak with patient expert Clarinda Cerejo to understand how medical researchers can involve patients in the research and…
Are you an author or contributor? Is this a question that often occurs to you? This article explains CRediT, short for Contributor Roles Taxonomy, to help you with…
This article highlights the dangers that paper mills pose and how well-meaning researchers can avoid their pitfalls.
ChatGPT, an AI chatbot released by tech company OpenAI is making immense foray in academia. The authorship of research papers and preprints are being credited to the…
In this post, our senior editor has answered some of the most pressing questions about ChatGPT.
Twenty-seven years ago, German researchers discovered the fossil of a 120-million-year-old dinosaur in northern Brazil. In December 2020, a group of scientists confirmed…
There seem to be some unlikely similarities between celebrated chefs and successful researchers. But is there a recipe for success? Now there is. Take a look at this…
The refrain of “peer review is broken” or “science is broken” is reaching a crescendo. Researchers often ask, “If papers with flaws pass peer review, why am I struggling…
English is not the first language for most of the world’s researchers, who are vying to get their work published in top peer-reviewed journals. In fact, even native…