

The academic community is actively trying out new models, signaling hope and change in the way peer review is conducted. This article lists some of the initiatives and…
We kicked off the Peer Review Week 2022 celebrations (Sep 19-23), powered by Editage and Researcher.Life, with an exciting panel discussion: “Perspectives from the…
Researchers’ struggle with academic writing is a well-recognized problem in academia and research shows that lack of time and stress or anxiety are the root cause of the…
The 9th International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication (Peer Review Congress) began and ended on a thought-provoking note. The article covers some…
On August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) of the US released a memorandum titled “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access…
Writing to a journal can be stressful for authors. This article gives some useful tips for you to communicate with your journal effectively.
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment offers a path towards changing the current narrow criteria used to assess research, researchers, and research…
Bullying is something that everybody understands is bad, but it remains rife in many fields, including in medicine, the military, and primary or secondary education…
It is no secret that academia has a dark, expansive history of bullying. Over the past few years, a growing body of evidence has suggested an alarming rate of bullying…
Gerlind Wallon is the deputy director of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). A German native, she graduated with a PhD in Biochemistry from Brandeis…