
Publication Models

If you are planning to get published and are looking for target journals, you should ensure that the journals are authentic. This article provides expert tips that will…
3 "Principles of transparency" to help authors assess journal credibility
Dr. Caroline Sutton is an active expert on open access publishing and Co-Founder of Co-Action Publishing. She is also Director at Infrastructure Services for Open Access…
What reservations do authors have towards using open access journals? How do open access journals manage peer review quality? In this second segment of her interview, Dr…
A skeptic's guide to open access
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open…
The open access (OA) movement is gaining worldwide consensus as more and more countries are joining the effort to make research freely available.
Open access: A global movement
The increasing popularity of open access has made it easy for individuals to set up bogus journals that guarantee publication but charge steep article-processing fees…