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This infographic lists nine ways in which a thesis is different from a journal article. The idea is to help you understand how the two are completely different types of…
Given the increasing number of predatory journals and publishers, it is difficult for researchers to verify the authenticity of their target journal. The Think Check…
As you brace yourselves to face a new spate of challenges in academic writing and publication in the coming year, we want to support you in your journey with some handy…
What if there were an academic publication Santa who fulfills the wishes of researchers? What would you ask for?
This infographic presents the number and distribution of open access policies and mandates acrosss the globe. The data has been sourced from the Registry of Open Access…
Often PhD graduates find it difficult to deal with the challenges of a postdoctoral position because they are unprepared to face them. To keep you motivated, we have…
Many people are of the opinion that the impact factor is the ultimate measure of a researcher's success and journal's prestige. What do academic publishing experts think…
Often, PhDs and postdocs are confused about choosing the right career after their research and most often they do not know that there are several options available to…
Most of us know that DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) help keep track of and trace research publications and scientific data. But what are DOIs? How do they work? And…
As an early-career researcher, it is extremely important for you to ensure that you start publishing papers and get recognized for your work. Open access publishing…