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Q: In which section of the paper should the research question be included?
I have understood that the "Research Question" is a very important issue, and I have prepared my statement. But I don`t know in which section of paper have I to present it. May you please tell me in which section of paper, do I have to write my research question statement?
Typically, manuscripts are divided into the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. This is referred to as the IMRAD structure. The research question, the objective or hypothesis of the study, helps to set up context for what you have researched and why you chose to study this particular topic. Therefore, it is included in the Introduction of the manuscript. When you write the Introduction, you should first set the background and give a review of the existing literature. This is usually followed by the research question. Thus, typically, the research question is included at the end of the Introduction section.
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In some cases, particularly in longer papers like theses or dissertations, you may reintroduce the research question in the Literature Review (snow rider 3d) section. After reviewing the existing research and identifying gaps, you may restate your research question to show how it connects to what has been studied and the gap your research aims to fill.
This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage