Q: How to deal with the plagiarism check report by Ithenticate?

Detailed Question -

I’m processing the manuscript submission for the first time.

When I submitted my manuscript to a journal, I was advised to submit to another affiliate journal. I submitted my manuscript to that journal as per the advice, but I was required to resubmit after reducing Ithenticate report to below 41%. That was 46% then, but it includes author names, affiliations, reference etc. Some were paraphrased, but many parts are proper nouns, references and author names, so it is impossible to paraphrase.

Will not the editor tolerate similarity in the references? If I remove the references, 41% can be  cleared enough.

Do you have any techniques to deal with this?

1 Answer to this question

Plagiarism is a serious ethical concern. Typically, journals will allow only 15-20% similarity. Considering that the editor has already been lenient in allowing up to 41%, it probably accounts for the author names and references. We recommend that you re-phrase all the text (not author names and references) where the sentences are copied verbatim from other sources. Phrases of the six sentences and above that are highlighted in the IThenticate report should be re-phrased.

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