How to create a graphical abstract for Nature journals

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How to create a graphical abstract for Nature journals

A graphical abstract complements the written abstract, serving as a visual summary of a paper. In a post-text world, presenting and summarizing scholarly articles in innovative ways is an important objective of academic publishers. It is not surprising, therefore, that prominent publishers are asking for submissions to include a visual abstract as well. In this post, you will learn about Nature graphical abstracts. 


Key points when making a graphical abstract: Springer Nature journals 

For Springer Nature journals such as Spinal Cord, submitting a graphical abstract is optional.  

This journal recommends the following: 

  • A single file using a standard file format (.tiff, .eps, .jpg, .bmp, .doc, or .pdf.); color graphical abstracts are encouraged.  

  • 9 cm wide × 5 cm high when printed at full scale, a minimum of 300 dpi.  

  • Prepared with a white background, with imagery filling the available width when possible.  

  • Minimal textual statements. 


Meanwhile, the Springer Nature journal International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing requires a graphic with a manuscript for display in the table of contents (TOC). This journal recommends the following: 

  • Provide a graphic that is original and unpublished: it may be a structure, scheme, graph, photograph, or a combination of these. 

  • Color graphical abstracts are encouraged.  

  • Do not use (i) photographs or drawings of a person, living or dead; (ii) postage stamps or currency of a country, or (iii) trademarked items. 

  • Avoid using a graphic that is already a part of the manuscript. 

  • Do not provide any text with the graphical abstract. 

  • Use a landscape format, with an aspect ratio of 7 (width) by 5 (height); the graphic file should be in a vector graphics format (TIFF or EPS file, minimum 300 dpi) 


As for Nature portfolio journals, note that many do not allow a graphical abstract, Nature Communications being one such journal. In fact, only a couple of journals from the Nature Portfolio publish their articles with graphical abstracts, namely, Nature Chemical Biology and Nature Chemistry.  


Key points when making a graphical abstract: Nature Chemistry and Nature Chemical Biology 

For Nature Chemistry and Nature Chemical Biology, graphical abstracts are needed for articles, reviews, and perspectives. The key considerations are as follows: 

  • The graphical abstract may contain chemical structures or images; minimize textual statements. 

  • Color graphical abstracts are encouraged. 

  • The graphic should be a single file using a standard file format, with the image fitting a rectangle 9 cm wide × 50 cm high. 

  • The graphic should be presented with a white background, and imagery should fill the available width when possible. 


Nifty solutions for preparing graphical abstracts 

We just saw specifications galore! It is hard to keep up with tiny details when creating and formatting your graphical abstract. But don’t worry; help is at hand. To help authors make their graphical abstracts, services such as like Mind the Graph provide useful templates and design tools. You may explore such offerings to create or enhance your graphical abstract. Nature journal graphical abstracts created by Mind the Graph can be seen here. 


To conclude 

Many Nature portfolio journals do not allow a graphical abstract, such as Nature Communications. Graphical abstracts are published, however, for Nature Chemical Biology and Nature Chemistry. Always check your target journal regarding this requirement. Carefully plan and design your graphic keeping in mind clarity, visual appeal, and compliance with journal specifications. Once satisfied with your graphical abstract, re-check the final dimensions, resolution, and file type format. When you are absolutely ready with your complete submission package, hit the Submit button and then hope for the best! 

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Published on: Mar 18, 2025

Sunaina did her masters and doctorate in plant genetic resources, specializing in the use of molecular markers for genotyping horticultural cultivars
See more from Sunaina Sinha


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