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Q: How can I write a proper summary?
What are the procedures or most the important things I must do to write a proper summary?
An academic summary is a shortened version of a text which gives the reader a clear idea about the main points in it. The key to writing a summary is to identify the most important ideas and do away with anything that is superfluous, redundant, or less important. in fact, detailed explanations and examples should also be excluded from the summary. Most importantly, the summary should be written as far as possible in your own words.
To write an effective summary, you have to ensure the following:
1. To write a good summary, you should first read the text several times and decide what the main idea is. Also make a note of the most important points that the author wishes to convey.
2. Begin the summary by acknowledging the source. For instance, you could begin with a sentence such as: "This is a summary of the article XXXX written by XXXX published in XXXX."
3. Next, write a topic sentence that conveys the main idea of the text. For example: "In this text, the author wishes to emphasize the importance of XXXX in calculating the YYYY in animal cells."
3. You should then write down the summary consulting the important points you have noted down.
4. Use your own words as far as possible.
5. Remember not to use "I" or "We" to convey any of the author's thoughts or ideas. You should always use phrases such as "the author feels," "the author points out," etc.
6. If you happen to use phrases or sentences directly from the text, make sure you use them in quotes. However, minimize the use of direct quotes as far as possible.
A summary helps readers save time and gather useful information as quickly as possible.
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