Securing funding through grant proposals is indeed a difficult and tedious process, and what is most challenging about it is making a grant proposal convincing. Even if you have a path-breaking…
When a solid object like a rubber ball is compressed onto a solid surface, it retains its original form when decompressed. In contrast, a water droplet’s contact angle with the surface irreversibly…
What is Salami Slicing in academic publishing? Why is it considered an unethical practice? Watch this video to learn more about the hazards of Salami Slicing and find out ways to avoid it.
Scientists have found a way to mathematically explain the severity and timing of human confrontations. Read on to know more. 
A wide range of human diseases is caused by gene mutations, which result in misfolded protein molecules. Now researchers have demonstrated in mice what could be a revolutionary technique to correct…
Validating the recent finding that females in the animal kingdom are polyandrous, researchers have found that female fire salamanders mate with several males. Read on to know more. 
In a recent study, researchers were able to determine the chirality of a gaseous sample by imaging its molecular structure. Read on to know more. 

November 25, 2013, 11:00 AM - November 26, 2013, 18:00 PM UTC

Biologists at the University at Buffalo have found that being severely overweight alters the way we taste food. To know more, read on. 
According to a new study, the presence of molecular hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and water on Mars could have created a greenhouse effect on the red planet 3.8 billion years. To know more, read on.