In this 4-minute video snippet, Dr. Bruce Dancik sums up the bare essentials that a manuscript must have in order to make it comprehensible for the reader/referee. 
Researchers at the University of California have concluded that social networks among primates provide valuable lessons that could help predict catastrophes like the 2008 global financial crisis.…
Over time, stem cells in damage-repairing muscle tissues struggle to regenerate. In a new study, scientists have identified a process by which the older muscle stem cell populations can be…
This 5-minute video presents Dr. Bruce Dancik's take on the much-debated issues of authorship and conflicts of interest.
This video snippet takes a sneak peek into a typical day in a journal editor's life. Dr. Bruce Dancik gives us a glimpse into the various levels of screening that a manuscript goes through, and takes…
In this video, Dr. Bruce Dancik reveals what journal editors actually look for in a manuscript. He provides useful tips on how an author can find out which journal would be interested to publish his/…
Learn about the Academy of Management Journal in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links. 
In this video interview, Dr. Bruce P. Dancik explains which parts of the manuscript the author should pay special attention to when aiming to get published in an international English-language…
In a new study, researchers have concluded that the majority of circumbinary planets must have formed much further away from the central binary stars and then migrated to their current location. Read…
Exposure to blue light during the day directly and immediately improves alertness and performance, says a new study. Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) compared the effects of…