We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation moderated by Todd Carpenter, the…
Learn about the submission requirements and author instructiions of the Radiology journal.
Editors have an important role in handling research misconduct. A session took place on the topic during the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Annual Meeting, May 2013, Montreal. Find out from this…
In the 1980s, researchers weren’t successful in manipulating micron-sized objects with focused laser beams through “optical tweezers” due to the law of diffraction. The physicists at the Institute of…
Two international teams, one headed by Akhilesh Pandey and the other by Bernhard Küster, have independently analyzed human tissue samples using mass spectrometry and produced the first drafts of the…
It is believed that bees, like birds and butterflies, use the sun as a compass for navigation, unlike mammals who use a mental map. However, Randolf Menzel, a neurobiologist at the Free University of…
John Kovac and his team created a sensation when they announced finding the evidence of primordial gravitational waves in March 2014, thus confirming the theory of inflation. However, this study has…
Manuscript rejection can be very frustrating! But what if you could turn it into a positive experience? Watch this video to find out how you can benefit from rejection by taking it as a learning…
The journal publication process involves several rounds of interaction—both direct and indirect—with journal editors and journal reviewers. Communicating clearly and effectively with them is almost…