Information at a glance for authors interested in submitting their manuscript to the Environmental Health Perspectives journal.
Eduardo Marbán, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, and his team have developed a method to keep heart cells outside the sinoatrial node beating, which is less…
Life on Earth began 260 million years after the planet’s early atmosphere witnessed two major spikes in oxygen concentration. Researchers say these atmospheric levels is the probable cause for the…
Social psychologist Timothy Wilson at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and his team found that most people have a “disengaged mind.” Wilson’s team conducted a study in which participants…
Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) and their colleagues combined analytical chemistry and behavioral assessment to study the relation between malaria-infected…
Anders Nilsson and his team at Stanford University in California have made forays into understanding the yet unexplored properties of water. They took snapshots of liquid water cooled to -46 °C by…
Two research teams based in Germany and Spain have discovered that ASC specks—protein aggregations that drive inflammation—are released from dying immune cells. The protein aggregations are a…
International journals solicit submissions from authors all over the world. But are these journals' author guidelines clear enough for nonnative English speakers? 
Jeffrey Beall summarizes his opinions related to an interesting session titled "Understanding Contributor Roles in Scholarly Publications" held at the SSP 2014 meeting.