Latest findings suggest that Saturn's rings originated around 4.4 billion years ago. NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which has been orbiting Saturn since 2004, has measured the rate at which dust from…
Researchers from New York University Langone Medical Center found that low doses of antibiotics in the early life of mice led to obesity when they grew up due to long-lasting consequences of the…
There is a growing interest paired with attempts in creating a synthesis machine or a ‘robo-chemist’ that would take over the traditional organic chemistry. Such a device would offer a diversity of…
In mid-July, a mysterious 30-meter-wide crater was spotted in the frozen Yamal peninsula in Siberia. Although many theories abounded over the cause of the crater, researchers in Russia believe the…
Quick facts and tips for submitting your manuscript to the Diabetes journal
The growth of human breast cancer tumors implanted in rats speeded up by 2.5 times when they were exposed to dim light at night according to a study conducted by Steven Hill and his team at Tulane…
China is emerging as one of the leaders in global scientific output and research. But what about the current quality of Chinese journals and is it related to a difference between how China and the…
Indeed, China’s academic publishing industry is thriving, offering its scholars thousands of journals to publish in. However, when benchmarked against journals from English-speaking countries
What does conflict of interest mean? This article also explains why such conflicts arise and how they can be avoided.
Researcher Kamel Khalili and his team at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, used the CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing system to remove HIV from several human cell lines, including microglia…